Tag Archives | Families


Eliminate Family Life Stress

Balance is one of my favorite words. It’s not just my favorite word; it also happens to be the key to your success when facing daily parenting challenges and stress. Having a healthy dose of balance between setting expectations and modifying some of these rules occasionally teaches your kids flexibility without ignoring the rules on whey they rely.

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Simplify for Family Balance

What do I mean by “simplify”? This little word has so much power! Our world and lives are complicated enough without us adding more to them daily. I prescribe healthy doses of “Simplicity” to help you create more balance.

I’ll share with you one of my most personal lessons. I have loved the power of simplicity in my life for decades. My husband and I enjoy a minimalist lifestyle. Everyone who walks into our home is

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Family Dinner Time

Every parent feels somewhat rushed during breakfast, before sending kids off to school and taking of to work. Since it is difficult (if not impossible) to get together with your kids for lunch during school days, it only makes sense that you create “Dinner Time” where you sit at the same table, eat, talk, and enjoy one meal together without distractions or interruptions for a solid twenty minutes. I think your family deserves twenty minutes once a day, don’t you?

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Quality Family Time

Although I could write an entire book on this topic alone, I have only one thing to say: It is essential that you and your spouse have time together for a few hours each week.

Use your support team, resources, babysitters, friends and family to arrange someone to watch your kids so you can spend some uninterrupted, worry-free time with your spouse.

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Balanced Family Life

The art of creating balance is not as difficult as most experts make it sound.

Think “simple and easy.” If you take a few small steps every day to create more balance in your daily life, you will cope better and more importantly, you’ll teach your kids better coping skills too. The key to your success is learning to prioritize.

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Family Rules Under Our Roof - Create Happy Kids

House Rules

Once the rules are clear and established in your mind, the trick is to make sure your kids understand them.

The key to success is in early training. the sooner you begin defining and clearly communicating the rules to your kids, the better success you’ll have.

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Setting Family Rules - Create Happy Kids

Speaking on Family Rules

Let’s focus on how to set boundaries (family rules), the power of intermittent reinforcement, and the importance of consistency.

A couple of years ago, I was providing some parent training for a wonderful family. Their 11-year old son was good at testing limits and pushing boundaries. His parents were responsive to my suggestions and trying to be consistent and clear with their son about the rules.

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Holiday Spirit

Holiday Spirit

You can share the spirit of the holidays with your kids!

This is a magical time of year. It doesn’t have to be all about spending money you don’t have, getting stressed and over-scheduling your family.

Your family traditions can embrace the spirit of the season and focus on:

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Speaker Author

As a parent strategist, my aim is to help parents, who are ready to set aside power struggles with kids who are driving them crazy, learn simple and effective ways to make family life a whole lot better.

I want to help parents who are tired of meltdowns, tantrums and kid who defy, ignore, fail to cooperate or follow through on their commitments

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