Tag Archives | Guest Speaker

Children Behaving - Create Happy Kids

Children Behaving

It’s natural and quite common to pay more attention to your kids when they’re being unruly and not paying attention to you. In fact, you may find it’s easy to ignore them when they’re going about their business and doing what they are supposed to be doing.

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Image of Acknowledge your kid's good choices - Create Happy Kids

Rewarding Children

How to Reward Children for Good Decisions This is the 3rd article in a 6 part series on how to create good decision makers in our kids. In article #1, we talked about Creating Choices In article #2 we talked about Providing Clear Guidelines Today we’ll discuss: Rewarding Your Kids’ Good Decisions. Sometimes, children do […]

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Speaker Author

As a parent strategist, my aim is to help parents, who are ready to set aside power struggles with kids who are driving them crazy, learn simple and effective ways to make family life a whole lot better.

I want to help parents who are tired of meltdowns, tantrums and kid who defy, ignore, fail to cooperate or follow through on their commitments

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Talk to your kids about being bullied - Create Happy Kids

Kids Getting Bullied

Getting your kid to talk to you about a problem can be challenging, especially if they are being bullied.

You feel frustrated that your kid won’t share what’s going on and you can’t help him/her with the problem. You may even fear for his/her safety.

What is an effective way to encourage your kid to talk about problems?

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